Medication Administration at School
Please make every effort to give regularly scheduled medicines at home so your child doesn't have to miss class. For example, if medicine is to be given 3 times a day, you can give it at 7 a.m., 4 p.m. and bedtime.
Middle school and high school students may carry cough drops that do not contain dextromethorphan. All other medication must be kept in the clinic.
Students who carry and self-administer their inhaler for asthma, at school or school-related events, must have a note from their physician giving them permission to carry and self-administer their inhaler plus a parent signed medication consent form. All paper work must be on file with the school nurse.
Please contact me if you need additional information.
Katherine Smith, RN
Van Alstyne Elementary School Nurse
903.482.8826/903.482.8820 fax