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Our spelling test this week will be on Thursday, May 6th.  Happy studying!


Spelling List

1. before

2. seven

3. large

4. write

5. know

6. hopped

7. hoped

8. trading

9. chipped

10. playground

11. again

12. country

Dictation Sentences

1. A bad storm came upon the fishermen.

2. The wind made the trees sway.


We are studying how to identify, know value, and count money/coins. Practice counting money each evening. I will be sending home fact homework every Tuesday and Thursday for the rest of this school year. If you have time, please go to the website and practice timed subtraction problems with your child. We are working with this during school, but extra practice at home is always beneficial. This would be a wonderful time to purchase some subtraction fact cards.

Language Arts/English

We are learning about adjectives. We are also working on writing complete sentences using details and "colorful" words.

Science/Social Studies

 This week we are learning about plant life and then we will study insects.

Accelerated Reader (AR)

Please help your child remember to bring his or her library books to school. I am requiring at least one AR book to be read and tested over by each student weekly. Two would be even better!




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  • Remember to bring your AR books to school on Wednesdays and Fridays.  We are great readers!

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