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Class Information

Mrs. Leinart & Ms. Martin

Class Information


We will have 20 new spelling words each week.  They can be found on under VAE4thGrade.  On Mondays, students will practice their cursive handwriting by writing these words three times each.  Spelling tests will be given each Friday morning. 


We will use Moose English to learn and review grammar skills weekly.  Students will complete it in class.  We will discuss these concepts and correct answers together weekly.  On Fridays, students will take a Moose Test which is taken directly from the week's Moose English. 


Writing is an important part of 4th grade.  We will take a Writing TAKS Test in March which includes an editing portion and a composition section.  Students will be writing several compositions each six weeks.  There is a Writing Recipe that students can refer to if they struggle with writing.  Parents will sometimes be asked to edit/revise with their children. 



Your child will typically have math homework every night except Friday.   He/ She will usually have a fact practice and/or a skills practice over whatever objectives we are covering at the time. Our Envision math book is a great resource for helping with the understanding of homework.  It is available on-line as well as hard copy at .   Students will be given their user names and passwords to use at home.  Math tutoring will be held weekly on Friday morning from 7:30-7:55 in Mrs. Leinart’s room.   Please feel free to send your child anytime you feel he/she could use some extra help.



Reading in 4th grade will be comprised of novel studies, TAKS practices, and a variety of other reading materials.  Most reading assignments are completed in class since we share novels.  Your child may have TAKS reading passages as homework.  Your child should also be reading an AR book for 15 minutes every Tuesday and Thursday.  Students may take AR tests to earn rewards for the AR points earned.  



We are studying life, earth, and physical science this year.   Students will have science homework if they don't finish the assignment we worked on in class.  Much of the science is applied reading.  The depth of the vocabulary and comprehension can be tough for some students who struggle with reading.  Most science assignments are open book so students can refer back for answering their questions.  Typically, there is plenty of time to finish the assignment in class.  All 4th graders will be expected to complete a Science Fair Project during the fall semester.


Social Studies

4th grade social studies is based on Texas History.  We will be using the state adopted textbook, some historical fiction novels, and tying social studies in with reading as much as possible.  We will be able to see much of the history we have studied on our annual fieldtrip to Austin.


General Information

Please check your child’s Take Home folder each night.   She/He will be copying down their homework on an assignment sheet.   Homework for 4th graders should take no more than 45 minutes.  Homework assignments are kept in the left hand pocket of the folder.    Papers in the right hand pocket can removed and kept at home.  Assignment sheets should be signed daily by parents. 


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.   Our conference time is 1:00-1:45.  


Keri Leinart

903-482-8805, ext. 7029


Tonya Martin

903-482-8805, ext. 7034

Keri Leinart's Class

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