Mrs. Cooper's First Grade Schedule
8:00 Enter classroom, turn in homework, put away backpacks and coats, begin warm-up work.
8:15 Announcements, lunch count, attendance (R-time on Wednesdays)
8:20 Spelling and Handwriting Practice
8: 30 Read around the Room
8:40-9:15 Math meeting (Restroom Break)
9:25-10:10 Special classes (M-PE, T-Music, W-PE, Th-PE, F-Comp)
10:10-11:05 Math
11:05-11:35 Lunch
11:35-12:00- Restroom break/Story Time
12:00-1:30- Language Arts/Reading Block (Includes Phonics, Language, Reading, Poetry, and Writing)
1:30-1:50 Recess
1:50-2:00 Restroom/Drink
2:00-2:45 Science/Social Studies/ Health
2:45-3:00- Clean up; pack folders and backpacks, line up for dismissal